Organisation Management Guide 102 pages in total
INTRODUCTION Ashihara Karate International Kaicho Hoosain Narker Ten Ways to Kill a Dojo Twelve Points on Attitude Effective Management The Ten Commandments of Management If ...... Ten Characteristics of a Successful Organisation
FORMING A CLUB The events leading to the formation of a dojo/club Survey to determine if a dojo or club is needed Recruiting of members Determination of a date for the introductory meeting Notice of the founding meeting Agenda The Constitution of the dojo/club The dojo/club members A few hints to help improve membership involvement/interest Co-ordination of clubs and sports associations Examples of a town sports structure
MEETINGS What is a meeting Why have a meeting Types of meetings Private meetings Committee meetings General meeting Public meetings Informal meetings Is your meeting necessary? Keeping meetings short The notice Contents of the notice The agenda Aim of the agenda Requirements of the agenda Example of a notice of meeting and agenda The attendance register The minutes Aim of the minutes Requirements of the minutes Example of the minutes Voting Ways of voting How to run a meeting General rules of a meeting Standing Orders
CHAIRING A SPORTS ORGANISATION Role of the Chairman How long in Office
DUTIES OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS/OFFICERS 1. The chairperson 2. The vice-chairperson - Leadership - Requirements of leadership - The task of the leader 3. The secretary 4. The treasurer 5. Additional members
THE ROLE OF THE SECRETARY IN THE ORGANISATION Why do you do it? What do you do? What qualities do you need? What equipment is needed? Correspondence Organising a meeting A Meeting Agenda Writing Minutes Annual General Meeting Keeping Records Things to Avoid Things to Remember
CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATION Requirements for effective communication Notices Important aspects of the notice The circular Reports Essential of reports Visual aids Schematic lay-out of a formal report Form and lay-out of informal reports Hints when compiling a report Hints for the drafting of a report (informal or formal) Letters Important aspects when writing a letter Choice of a letter lay-out The most important components of the letter and their characteristics Summary of hints for the letter writer The five C's of correspondence sum up the most important aspects of the letter
SPONSORS - HOW TO RAISE MONEY Raising Money Donations Grants Fund-Raising Schemes Sponsorships Why Sponsor Sport An important note concerning sponsorship applications A Sponsorship Contract
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Budget Elementary method of budgeting Rules to follow when handling a cheque account Petty cash Financial records Auditors Example of financial report Accounting records Bank account Receipts Payments Cash book Example of cash book Income statement Example of financial statement
COACHING ADMINISTRATION Essential Skills of a Coach Technical Skills Human Skills Conceptual Skills The Underlying process of coaching administration Planning Organising Leading Controlling The ongoing process of coaching administration Summary and Recommendations
PARTICIPATION Objectives Marketing Marketing Objectives Identifying the Target Groups Promotion and Publicity Summary
GETTINGS THINGS DONE Managing Volunteers Why do you want Volunteers? Who Volunteers? Finding Volunteers Job Descriptions Where are they? What can you offer them? How do you keep them? Motivation Delegation Training Job Satisfaction Recognition Volunteer Checklist
APPENDIX - Constitution
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