7th Kyu Blue Belt Tape/DVD Contents
Techniques - Striking (shuto ganmen uchi, shuto hizo uchi, shito oroshi uchi, shuto sakotsu uchikomi)
Techniques - Blocking (shuto jodan uke, shuto chudan uke)
Techniques - Application of Blocks
Techniques - Kicking (soto mawashi keage, uchi mawashi keage, mawashi geri)
Basic Moving/Combinations
Sabaki Kumite
Kata & Application (Kihon Kata Ichi)
Cool down
Review of next tape material
** All technique shown from front and side views. 4 slow and 10 fast count. Tape contains all the requirements as listed for 7th Kyu under grading requirements.
The Students of Honbu was major players in supporting the making of the Training Tapes. Tape approximately 27 minutes in duration but contains extra footage.